Thursday, March 13, 2014

Almost Time!

I'm not the best person at updating this blog and I know people have been wondering about how i'm doing with the second pregnancy, so i decided i should finally get on here and update the blog. Here's a glance of me and the newest one with about 4 weeks left to go.
Me and my babies @ 32 weeks

Left: Abby @ 36 weeks, Right: Baby #2 @ 36 weeks

Baby D's face @ 36 weeks

Any guesses on gender?

This little one is still on track and looking good. This pregnancy has been a little different, as you can tell from the above picture this baby is sitting lower this time so I haven't been getting kicked in the ribs (thank god) and I can breathe a lot easier. I'm also bigger with this one, which was hard to tell until I saw the picture. I had a little bit of morning sickness, but nothing like I had with Abby. I still have my lactose intolerance which stinks cause i'm really craving some milkshakes. I have to wait until the beginning of June to try eating ice cream! I haven't been having to much pain, except for the times the baby wants to sit on my sciatic nerve and have the pain run down my left leg. When it comes to sleep, I have my good nights and bad nights, but that comes with the pregnancy and i'm use to it. The one thing I would love to be over is the heartburn, i'm going through TUMS again like they are candy. So, I'm guessing this one will have hair as well, but who knows. Just have to wait and see how the rest of the pregnancy goes and when the little one decides to come out.

You all know I can't do an update on just Baby #2, I have to add the cute, happy, adorable little Abby into here.

I have posted a video of Abby dancing to music which she LOVES to do no matter where she is really. She just starts to move her body to the music...probably have a future dancer on our hands. 

First snow, not a lot so she didn't mind

Second snow before Valentine's Day. She didn't really like it!
Here is a picture of Abby dribbling Kingsley's soccer ball in the back yard. She loves to kick around the ball, which is a good sign, she's got soccer in her blood! Looks like we need to bring a soccer ball to the beach Uncle Jason!

Belly Button!

Running down the hill

As you can tell by the pictures, she has quite the personality. Don't get me wrong she still has her "bad" moods, but happy, funny, crazy days outweigh the bad ones. I just hope the next one has a personality as well, cause the laughs and smiles just make us love her even more!

Lee and I have just been getting things ready. We moved Abby into her new bedroom at the end of January/beginning of February and she loves it! She loves sleeping in her big girl bed and will sleep through the night. I just need to go back in and do somethings in the nursery before the baby gets here and then that will be ready. Abby knows there is a baby in my tummy, but she doesn't know what's really about to happen to her world, so we'll see how things pan out.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed this update. I will try my best to get around to posting another in a few weeks once the newest edition is here...super excited! We love and miss everyone!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer Fireworks and Birthday

Well we sure have had a busy summer...Abby experienced her first fireworks, celebrated her 1st birthday, is officially crawling and trying to walk on her own and loved the beach! She is a very healthy and happy/exciting little girl. It's amazing to see how she has grown over the past year and watch her learn so many new things and see her reaction. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little girl! Below are some pictures to recap the summer:

These two aren't related.

Mr. Kyle and Ms. Abby

Happy Fathers Day!

Enjoying the pre firework festivities

My first sparkler...I just want to touch!

Cousin Olivia giving Abby a kiss.
It was another year at the beach and everyone had a great time. This year Abby didn't sleep the whole time she was there since she was almost a year old and loved the sun and sand. She is definitely a beach baby. She enjoyed the ocean, love the pool and like most little kids ate sand. She also figured out how to crawl on the sand, so no more army crawling and boy does she move fast. She loves for Lee to chase after her and squeals every time...just so cute. While we were there we decided to celebrate her first birthday and she loved the cake, dug into it and got chocolate icing all over her face and in her hair. We then did a little celebration actually on her birthday where she got a little vanilla cupcake and wore her hat. She enjoyed herself and got tons of presents...1st year down and many more to go!
Time to see some horses!

I want to help build the sand castle!

I'll just play with the shovel instead




Lee has also been busy working on the built it in the sunroom. He has made wonderful progress and is more than half way done. We are waiting on the doors for the far side and he needs to work on the bridge in between the two bookshelves. He only gets one shot at it, so he needs to make sure it is perfect. We've already added Abby's toys to cubbies and they are wonderful.

Abby officially got to see her first CSU football game and she was decked out to cheer them on.  GO RAMS!
On top of the built in, Lee is prepping for the 2013 holiday lighting shows.  This year he has expanded the Christmas display to include the top of the house, mini trees, and has increased the number of lights from 3,500 to 6,800 LED lights.  With only 114 days left until Christmas he has a bunch of prep work left to do.  In addition to the expanded Christmas display, Lee has added a Halloween lighting display to the mix!  That display with include 3,100 LED lights, a custom wireframe, tombstones, and foam carvable pumpkins.  Only 59 days to get that one done too.  This year he is entering two neighborhood holiday display contests and is very excited to show off his new hobby to everybody.  Once the displays are complete we will post pictures, videos, and hopefully a couple of House of the Season winning signs!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

10 Month Army Crawler

Time sure does fly when you are having fun!

Our little Abby has moved on from rolling, even though she still likes to do that from time to time. We now have an army crawler on our hands. She has traveled all around the bottom level of the house, pulled bags onto the kitchen floor, pulled out all the DVD's from two of the bottom shelves, found the doorstops, mommy and daddy's shoes and mommy's purse.

One thing she doesn't like is having blocks stacked.  She reminds us of her cousin Kaitlyn who loved to knock down blocks.  Below is a video we took of her going after some soft blocks that we stacked. She will crawl through her toys to get to them and it has become a game can you build the stack faster than she can knock it down.

Abby also enjoys bath time. She splashes all about the tub giving me a second shower in the process. Sometimes I think half the tub water ends up outside of the tub. One time Kingsley even came to see what she was doing, but decided not to join in.

The past two months have been busy. We went to Georgia for Easter, then a few weeks later went up to Virginia for my cousin Laurens wedding, then Abby and I went back to Georgia for my cousin Seans graduation from college and Lee went out west to Wyoming for his sister Stephanies college graduation.  Then my uncle Chris came and helped Lee finally start building the bookcase/desk/toy unit for the sunroom. They got a lot of the cutting done and put together the cubbies, cabinet shelf and one bookcase. Lee was able to get most of the other stuff done with his friend Chris's help. Now some sanding, putting together and a bunch of staining needs to be done. Here are some preview pics.

 Here are some final pictures to leave you with!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rollie Pollie Olie

Now that you all have been caught up on her pictures and see how much she has changed, I will get onto other things and more pictures!

It's amazing to see the progression everyday. Over the past couple of months we have gained a wiggle worm in the house. Abby is rolling everywhere in the family room, she has found the sunroom with her toys in it, the fireplace, both recliners, rolled under her jumperoo, to the couch. She will pretty much roll anywhere she can. I can leave the room and two seconds later she be completely somewhere else.

Found moms purse

Not sure how I got behind my swing

When she decides to start crawling, she is going to be on the move! We'll make sure to get video of it and share it with all of you!
She's also been quite the talker. She's got her ga's, da's and ma's down, and he's just a happy and excited little girl! We do have teeth coming in, so she's a little more crankier, but still enjoys her jumperoo and rolling and ESPECIALLY being outside.
In fact Abby actually experienced being outside in  SNOW!! We got snow 3 weeks ago and then again last week and we got some pictures of her enjoying it.



The rest of the family is doing well. Kingsley has gotten use to Abby being around. The only thing he isn't use to is when she rolls to him, he gets up and moves and she looks at him like where you going. He responds to when she wakes in the morning and from her naps and will go to her door and then sit in front of her crib until I get her out. He would like her to play with him, but that'll be a while. Oliver really could care less about Abby. He finally lets her pet him, but only when I'm helping her, cause otherwise she will grab his hair. He's getting old, he does turn 10 in a few days.

Lee's garden is ready for spring planting. It looks like he is going to plant corn, green beans, tomatoes, poblano peppers, bell peppers, cucumbers and others. While he does that, I started looking at new flowers to plant in my gardens, cause it's becoming warm down here, so planting season is right around the corner!

Other than that, not much is going on around here. Lee is staying busy at work and I'm staying busy at home with Abby. We still have people coming to visit all the time and we are hoping to get out to Colorado to visit family, but if you want to come down, just let us know!

Here are some pictures to leave you with:

We love and miss you all!