Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rollie Pollie Olie

Now that you all have been caught up on her pictures and see how much she has changed, I will get onto other things and more pictures!

It's amazing to see the progression everyday. Over the past couple of months we have gained a wiggle worm in the house. Abby is rolling everywhere in the family room, she has found the sunroom with her toys in it, the fireplace, both recliners, rolled under her jumperoo, to the couch. She will pretty much roll anywhere she can. I can leave the room and two seconds later she be completely somewhere else.

Found moms purse

Not sure how I got behind my swing

When she decides to start crawling, she is going to be on the move! We'll make sure to get video of it and share it with all of you!
She's also been quite the talker. She's got her ga's, da's and ma's down, and he's just a happy and excited little girl! We do have teeth coming in, so she's a little more crankier, but still enjoys her jumperoo and rolling and ESPECIALLY being outside.
In fact Abby actually experienced being outside in  SNOW!! We got snow 3 weeks ago and then again last week and we got some pictures of her enjoying it.



The rest of the family is doing well. Kingsley has gotten use to Abby being around. The only thing he isn't use to is when she rolls to him, he gets up and moves and she looks at him like where you going. He responds to when she wakes in the morning and from her naps and will go to her door and then sit in front of her crib until I get her out. He would like her to play with him, but that'll be a while. Oliver really could care less about Abby. He finally lets her pet him, but only when I'm helping her, cause otherwise she will grab his hair. He's getting old, he does turn 10 in a few days.

Lee's garden is ready for spring planting. It looks like he is going to plant corn, green beans, tomatoes, poblano peppers, bell peppers, cucumbers and others. While he does that, I started looking at new flowers to plant in my gardens, cause it's becoming warm down here, so planting season is right around the corner!

Other than that, not much is going on around here. Lee is staying busy at work and I'm staying busy at home with Abby. We still have people coming to visit all the time and we are hoping to get out to Colorado to visit family, but if you want to come down, just let us know!

Here are some pictures to leave you with:

We love and miss you all!


I said that the next blog update would have pictures of the baby and happy family...7 months ago. Ok, I know I'm a little late, but better late then never. Everyone who thought we were having a boy, well you were wrong as was I...it was a girl to everyone's surprise.

Abigail Elizabeth Dryden

An hour old

Just chillin at the beach- 1 month
Feet in the Atlantic

Halloween Skeleton - 3 months
Abby's first Christmas Tree - 4 months

Merry Christmas - 5 months

Love naked time - 6 months


Cool like my mommy!

Happy Valentines Day - 7 months


Happy Abby!

I'm one with my jumperoo! - 7 months