Thursday, March 13, 2014

Almost Time!

I'm not the best person at updating this blog and I know people have been wondering about how i'm doing with the second pregnancy, so i decided i should finally get on here and update the blog. Here's a glance of me and the newest one with about 4 weeks left to go.
Me and my babies @ 32 weeks

Left: Abby @ 36 weeks, Right: Baby #2 @ 36 weeks

Baby D's face @ 36 weeks

Any guesses on gender?

This little one is still on track and looking good. This pregnancy has been a little different, as you can tell from the above picture this baby is sitting lower this time so I haven't been getting kicked in the ribs (thank god) and I can breathe a lot easier. I'm also bigger with this one, which was hard to tell until I saw the picture. I had a little bit of morning sickness, but nothing like I had with Abby. I still have my lactose intolerance which stinks cause i'm really craving some milkshakes. I have to wait until the beginning of June to try eating ice cream! I haven't been having to much pain, except for the times the baby wants to sit on my sciatic nerve and have the pain run down my left leg. When it comes to sleep, I have my good nights and bad nights, but that comes with the pregnancy and i'm use to it. The one thing I would love to be over is the heartburn, i'm going through TUMS again like they are candy. So, I'm guessing this one will have hair as well, but who knows. Just have to wait and see how the rest of the pregnancy goes and when the little one decides to come out.

You all know I can't do an update on just Baby #2, I have to add the cute, happy, adorable little Abby into here.

I have posted a video of Abby dancing to music which she LOVES to do no matter where she is really. She just starts to move her body to the music...probably have a future dancer on our hands. 

First snow, not a lot so she didn't mind

Second snow before Valentine's Day. She didn't really like it!
Here is a picture of Abby dribbling Kingsley's soccer ball in the back yard. She loves to kick around the ball, which is a good sign, she's got soccer in her blood! Looks like we need to bring a soccer ball to the beach Uncle Jason!

Belly Button!

Running down the hill

As you can tell by the pictures, she has quite the personality. Don't get me wrong she still has her "bad" moods, but happy, funny, crazy days outweigh the bad ones. I just hope the next one has a personality as well, cause the laughs and smiles just make us love her even more!

Lee and I have just been getting things ready. We moved Abby into her new bedroom at the end of January/beginning of February and she loves it! She loves sleeping in her big girl bed and will sleep through the night. I just need to go back in and do somethings in the nursery before the baby gets here and then that will be ready. Abby knows there is a baby in my tummy, but she doesn't know what's really about to happen to her world, so we'll see how things pan out.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed this update. I will try my best to get around to posting another in a few weeks once the newest edition is here...super excited! We love and miss everyone!