Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Last In-Utero Update

As most of you know, my due date was July 21st and the baby decided not to come and has yet to come. I am currently 3 days past my due date and Baby D seems to be very comfortable in it's current living accomodations while I am becoming uncomfortable.
40 Weeks
I just had my latest doctors appointment, with another BPP (Biophysical Profile). The baby is still doing great and the tech took a 3D picture of the face (bottom picture).

38 Weeks
40 Weeks
Baby D appears to have Lee's chubby cheeks in both these pictures and my lips. Last week the tech got a picture of the baby licking it's umbilical cord....ew GROSS!
39 Weeks
I know you all love the pictures, but you probably want to hear what the doctor had to say and when this baby might be coming. The doctor checked me again today and I've progressed a little. Last week I was 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. This week I am 70% effaced and still 1 cm dilated and the head is starting to come down. Basically I have a "crappy" cervix.  Since I am past due, he wants to see me again on Thursday in hopes that I have dilated more and do another Non Stress test on me just to make sure everything is ok. We asked about what the next step is depending on whether I have progressed or not.

1) If I have progressed, then he will admit me to the hospital Thursday night and start me on Cervidil to help ripen my cervix more. Then he would start me on Pitocin Friday morning assuming the Cervidil has not jump started labor.

2) If I have NOT progresssed then we would wait until Monday and start everything on Monday. He doesn't want to put cervidil in an unrippened uterus.

So I could have this baby as early as the end of the week or I could not have it until next week. I'm trying to do everything to help move the baby. I've walked until I'm blue in the face and that doesn't seem to really help since I've been walking my whole pregnancy. The baby just thinks that's normal. I've tried some spicy food and it gets the baby moving, but also gives me major heartburn (gotta love the TUMS). Castor oil is on the list, but I don't think I'm going to do it cause it is disgusting and I will be in the bathroom for hours afterwards. So, I think I'll try spicy food one more time or jumping jacks and then just hope for the best.

The next blog update on here will be baby pictures and the happy family! Thanks for everyones support, comments, and eviction notices!

We love you all!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Countdown Continues....

We are at 38 weeks and I've been seeing the doctor every week. Last Tuesday I went in for an ultrasound and a BPP (Biophysical Profile) of the baby. The BPP measures the baby's head circumference, the abdomen, a weight estimate (+/- a pound), checks amnitotic fluid and a couple of other things. The tech said the baby is estimated at 6 lbs. 11 oz., but that's just an estimate. She said that everything else looked good. She did show us that the baby does have some hair.

We go back in for the next appointment this Tuesday and I will have another ultrasound and BPP done. The doctor will also check to see if I've started dilating. He still thinks that the baby is going come before the 21st, so we'll see. The baby is really down in there and facing my back, so the baby is ready to come out. I know a lot of people are hoping it comes this week on people's birthdays or anniversaries. I have been having Braxton Hicks, some more intense than others, but that's about it. As soon as anything changes, the alert will be sent out.

Here are some pictures from the past two weeks. I had already started dropping at 36 weeks, but you can really tell between week 36 and week 37 that the baby dropped.

36 Weeks

37 Weeks
While we are anxiously waiting for Baby D to make it's appearance, we finished the nursery, put the carseat in the car, packed the hospital bag, washed the baby clothes and put together the swing/bouncer and jumperoo. Below are pictures of the finished nursery, the only thing we don't have is the glider which we should be getting in a few weeks.

I know everyone is as excited as we are and hopefully Baby D will decide to make it arrival soon!

A special shout out goes out to Ms. Amanda "Lambchop" Jackson! As some of you know Ms. Amanda and I (Lee) have a little back and forth game going on. Basically a game of one upsmanship or tag if you will. She started it all with a little picture of my face on a Little Bo Peep doll emailed our to family and posted on Facebook. I returned the favor with a sheep calendar (her face being all of the sheep), a plastic nativity sheep with her face in place of the sheep's, and a southern dictionary. She's also had a subscription to Sheep Magazine, her car saran wrapped, and a special shout out during her high school graduation. Amanda knows all to well that with one simple sentence she can end of all her agony and embarrassment. Well after several times of me "tagging" her, Amanda finally got me back. One weekend while visiting she "planted" a small flock of sheep in our front yard, and recently I received a "Cauliflower Sheep" in the mail. So I guess the ball is in my court......